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Kocierz Extreme Triathlon 2024




Holistix Group, which is a commercial brand of KAPF Daniel Wójcik based in Katowice, ul.Morcinka 13a/5; NIP: 6342283180


• Kocierz Hotel&Spa

• Mucharz commune


1. Popularization of triathlon as a versatile form of exercise.

2. Promotion of the Mucharz and Silesian Beskids in the country and around the world.

3. Promoting physical activity and a healthy lifestyle among the inhabitants of Poland


1. Kocierz will take place on September 29, 2024 in the Lesser Poland and Silesian Voivodeships.



15:00 - 16:00 - Opening race office Kocierz Run up the hill  

16:00 - Kids Start Run up the hill  

17:00 - 19:00 Opening Kocierz Extreme Triathlon race office

18:00 - Kocierz Restaurant Pasta Party

19:00 - Technical briefing of Kocierz Extreme Triathlon Kocierz Hotel&Spa


7:00 - Opening transition zone (Distance L)

8:00 - Start of Kocierz Extreme Triathlon (Distance L)

9:00 - Departure of transport Kocierz - Mucharz (Distance M)

9.30 - 10.30 - Bringing bikes into the transition zone (Distance M)

11:00 - Start of Kocierz Extreme Triathlon (Distance M)

14:30 - Arrival of the first competitors at the finish line

15:00 - 18:00 - Bikes collection from the transition zone

16:30 - Award ceremony  - Kocierz Hotel&Spa

17:00 - End of time limit


1. Kocierz Extreme Triathlon will take place in 2 disciplines:

a) Kocierz Kids Run – an uphill run for children aged 0-12. Depending on the age category, the distances will range from 100 meters to 1 km.

b) Kocierz Extreme Triathlon – mountain triathlon with 2 distances:

- 1 km swimming, 57 km cycling, 15 km running Swimming – Mucharskie Lake, Mucharz commune; Bicycle – Mucharz, Krzeszów, Lachowice, Hucisko, Peweł Mała, Pewel Wielka, Rychwałd, Łękawica; Run - Kocierz Hotel&Spa, Roztoka, Targanice.

- 1.8 km swimming, 102 km cycling, 21 km running - Swimming - Mucharskie Lake, Mucharz commune; Bicycle - Mucharz, Świnna Poręba, Stryszów, Maków Podhalański, Stryszawa, Lachowice, Hucisko, Peweł Mała, Pewel Wielka, Rychwałd, Łękawica; Run - Kocierz Hotel&Spa, Porąbka, Targanice

2. Swim the distance specified earlier in the announcement. Expected water temperature around 17 C. Start from the shore or from the water. Wetsuits below 16C are mandatory.

3. Non-drafting bicycle part. Road bikes and time trial bikes allowed. The bicycle route will take place with open road traffic.

4. Competitors must strictly comply with the Road Traffic Rules. Each competitor must have a protective helmet.

5. Race – The start of the race and the T2 transition zone will be located on the premises of Kocierz Hotel&Spa. The competitor is obliged to familiarize himself with the route. Competitors will have the opportunity to upload a GPS track. The route will be marked at the most critical points. GPS route measurement.

6. On the running and cycling route, the competitor is obliged to be equipped with:

a/ Mobile phone (roaming) with ICE contact!!!

b / Starting number

7. Time limit for completing the competition:

Distance M - 6 hours

Distance L - 9 hours

8. Time limits for individual distances:

Distance M - swimming – 40 minutes; swimming + bike – 4.5 h; swimming + bike + run – 6 h

Distance L - swimming – 70 minutes; swimming + bike – 6 h; swimming + bike + run – 9 h

9. Technical assistance is allowed during cycling and running sections.

10. It is permissible to complete the running route with an accompanying person.


1. The competition offices will be located in previously designated places in accordance with the announcement on the organizer's website at Kocierz Hotel&Spa

2. The competition office will be open on the eve of the competition on Saturday, 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

3. The KET starter package includes:

• Starting number to be attached to the starting belt for the cycling and running stages

• 2 stickers to attach to the helmet, under the saddle

• 2 stickers for deposit bags.

• Kocierz Extreme Triathlon T-shirt

• Supplements for athletes

• Promotional materials from event sponsors• Pasta Party coupon

• Coupon for a recovery meal

• 2 deposit bags to leave on T1, T2

4. The Kocierz Bieg up Górkę package includes:

• Kocierz Kids Run T-shirt

• Commemorative medal


Distanced buffets will be located:

- buffet at Kocierz Hotel & Spa / it will include water, isotonic drinks, coca-cola, bananas, bars, gels, salt / In case of low air temperature, hot tea will be served

- Wielka Puszcza buffet / water, isotonic drink, bananas /

- Porąbka Distance L buffet / water, isotonic drink, bananas/


1. Toilets are located on the hotel premises.

X. TIME MEASUREMENT1. Time measurement carried out by a mobile application. The time will be announced live.


1. Men's and women's classifications will be awarded for places 1-10 in the general classification.


1. The first three male and female players will receive commemorative statuettes and prizes.

2. Competitors from places 4 to 10 will receive statuettes. Depending on financial possibilities, prizes will be awarded.

3. Each competitor who completes the competition will receive a commemorative medal.XIII. CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION1. The competition is open to persons who are at least 18 years old on the start day and who present their ID card with a photo and sign a declaration of participation of their own free will and responsibility.


1. Applications for the competition will be accepted only via the official website after registering for the competitor's panel at www.plxtri.com.

2. The deadline for paying the entry fee is 7 days from the date of sending the application form. After this time, the application will be canceled.

3. After completing the application form and paying the entry fee, the competitor will be placed on the starting list.

4. The date of entry is determined by the date of payment of the entry fee. All costs of paying the entry fee are covered by the person paying.

5. Applications will be accepted up to 14 days before the start date, after which it will not be possible to add yourself to the start or reserve list online.


1. The following entry fee amounts are established for the competition:

M distance

a) Until May 31 – PLN 250

b) Until August 31 – PLN 350

c) By September 20 – PLN 450

L distance

a) Until May 31 – PLN 450

b) Until August 31 – PLN 550

c) By September 22 – PLN 650

Kocierz Run up the Hill - A fee of PLN 30 includes a T-shirt for an extreme little triathlete.

Each child at the finish line receives a commemorative medal. Registering your child after the deadline of September 22 does not guarantee that you will receive a T-shirt on the day of the competition.

2. The organizer sets a limit of 200 competitors in KET. Limit for the Run up the Hill competition - 100 children

3. The payment deadline is understood as the date of receipt of the transfer to the organizer's account. Registration takes place via the organizer's website www.plxtri.com.

4. Payments made by traditional transfer should be sent to the following account: KAPF Daniel Wójcik; ul.Morcinka 13a/5; 40-124 Katowice ; MBANK 08 1140 2004 0000 3602 4435 6602. The transfer title should include "surname and first name, Diablak Beskid Extreme Triathlon entry fee, distance".

5. If a competitor resigns from participating in the competition, the organizer will refund the entry fee paid reduced by 50% and any discount differences, provided that this takes place 30 days before the competition date.

6. The organizer issues VAT invoices only upon request within 7 days from the date of posting the entry fee to the account.

7. By registering for the competition, the competitor declares that he consents to the issuance and sending of an invoice in electronic form by the KAPF company representing Holistix Sports Group in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of December 17, 2010. on sending invoices in electronic form, the rules for storing them and the procedure for making them available to the tax authority or tax inspection authority (Journal of Laws No. 249, item 1661).XVI. RESULTS1.

The official results will be posted on the competition website www.plxtri.com


1. Personal data of competition participants will be processed for the purposes of conducting the event, selecting the winner and awarding, issuing, collecting and settling the prize.

2. Personal data of competition participants will be used in accordance with the conditions specified in the Act of August 29, 1997 on the protection of personal data (uniform text: Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 101, item 926). The administrator of personal data is the Organizer.

3. The processing of data referred to in section 1 of this paragraph in connection with participation in the competition also includes the publication of the participant's name and surname along with the name of the town where he or she lives - in any way in which the project will be published or disseminated.

4. The participant has the right to access and correct his or her personal data.

5. Providing personal data and consenting to their processing is voluntary, but failure to provide them or lack of consent to their processing prevents participation in the competition. By submitting a properly completed and signed registration form to the Organizer, the participant consents and allows the use of the personal data provided by him for the purposes of sending information to the participant about future events, commercial products, as well as for internal administrative and analytical purposes, in accordance with the Act on the Protection personal data of August 29, 1997, Journal U. No. 33, except 883. The Participant has the right to withdraw such consent and may do so at any time by sending correspondence to the Organizer's address

6. All information regarding participants obtained by the Organizer and included in the entry form will be saved electronically and in each case will be used in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act of August 29, 1997, Journal of Laws No. 133, except 883. The Organizer will not disclose this information to any third parties.


1. Complaints regarding matters related to the competition should be submitted in writing with justification to the contractor to the following address: Holistix Sports Group, ul. Morcinka 13a/5 40 -124 Katowice, within 7 (seven) days from the date of the event - directly or by letter by registered mail (the date of the postmark is decisive).

2. Complaints regarding the competition will be considered by the organizer within 30 (thirty) days from the date of their receipt.

3. The Organizer's decision regarding complaints regarding the competition will be final.


1. Final closing of the starting list 3 days before the start of the competition.

2. The organizer has liability insurance. During the competition, the Organizer provides medical care and WOPR care.

3. The bicycle competition takes place in open street traffic. The competitor is obliged to comply with and adapt to the Road Traffic Law.

4. In the event of unexpected natural disasters such as flood, storm, hail, hurricane, heavy rain, lightning storms, etc., the organizer reserves the right to cancel the event and postpone it to another date or change the competition formula.

5. The participant takes part solely at his own risk and bears the associated risk. All Participants acknowledge that participation in the competition involves physical effort and entails a natural risk and threat of accidents, the possibility of bodily injury and physical trauma (including death), as well as property damage and losses.

6. The medical team and the organizers may prohibit the continuation of the competition at any time.

7. Competitors are obliged to comply with general social rules, in particular to strictly apply the rules applicable on tourist trails, i.e. not to stray from designated trails, not to litter, not to shout.

8. If there are signals about non-compliance with the rules of conduct, the competitor will be disqualified and subject to a penalty.

9. In the event of very bad weather conditions, the organizer has the right to modify the route.

10. Matters not covered by the regulations will be decided by the Organizer.

11. The final interpretation of the regulations rests with the Organizer.

Katowice, 23/10/2023